More and more local hospitals in Belgium are merging in order to increase efficiency. In Ieper this resulted in the creation of the Jan Yperman Hospital, with some 1000 beds and roughly the same number of staff. As part of this major project Bulvano was entrusted with implementing the office, conference and general seating furniture. Quality, maintenance-friendly, ergonomics, sustainability and 'homely' were imperatives. The client also required conceptual brainstorming with the architect.
Jan Yperman Hospital already stands as a model project in the hospital sector.
Since 2009 Bulvano has been cooperating closely with the architect firm Boeckx whose clients include 30 of the roughly 70 Flemish hospitals. A new hospital campus is built in phases over several years. An important USP of Bulvano is its ability to gear stocks flexibly to this situation thanks to its international partners. Whenever a wing is opened, it is possible to deliver the furniture without delay. Our in-house team of interior architects constantly exchanged ideas and above all solutions with the lead architect, enabling unambiguous definition of the requirement of a homely atmosphere.
Even though life cycle cost is crucial in the care sector nowadays, Jan Yperman Hospital has anything but the often impersonal look and feel of countless other hospitals. To assure an optimum work environment for the staff we delivered more than 750 chairs and tables, always blending in well with the patient furniture that already numbers 3500 items. Thanks to the use of a cleverly conceived array of colours, there is now a hospitable hospital for patients, employees and visitors alike. Jan Yperman Hospital already stands as a model project in the hospital sector.
Bulvano nv
Blarenberglaan 6 - 2800 Mechelen
T +32 15 28 22 82 / F +32 15 28 22 81