Vlerick Business School


The Vlerick Business School has now positioned itself principally as a knowledge architect that facilitates students in acquiring management know-how. The traditional way of learning was set aside and a London-based agency, Brandon Consultants, then developed a bold new corporate identity built on the values of 'international, open, vital and pragmatic'. Bulvano was asked to translate this identity into tangible reality at the three Belgian campuses (Ghent, Leuven and Brussels).

The intention was to stimulate innovation, creativity and interaction.

The campuses retained the 'Vlerick touch', among other things through furniture designed in a V-shape


In consultation with Vlerick’s general director Patrick Degreve, Bulvano wanted to interconnect the brand values even more strongly by means of the furnishings. This turned out to be a creative quest, because the branding called for use of very bright colours, completely at odds with a traditional academic environment. The intention was to stimulate innovation, creativity and interaction. Bulvano extended the newness of the concept down to the very last detail and created waiting rooms, gatekeeper lodges, auditoriums and workstations to be as multifunctional as possible.


Despite the architectural differences between the campuses, Ghent (completed 2007), Leuven (2010) and Brussels (2013) form a unity in which everything communicates with each other. In each case a platform was created to stimulate the participative way of learning at international level. At the same time the campuses retained the 'Vlerick touch', among other things through furniture designed in a V-shape, and the aforementioned attention to detail.

We're here for you

Bulvano nv
Blarenberglaan 6 - 2800 Mechelen
T +32 15 28 22 82 / F +32 15 28 22 81
