Collaboration between Bulvano & students

Not long ago, a few management students from Karel De Grote-Hogeschool visited our headquarters for a case study. They received our input during their stay and made use of our configurations.

We cherish students with drive and creative thoughts as much as we cherish our own thoughts. There's nothing better than cross-fertilization between experience and boundless ideas..

Which is exactly what happened between Bulvano & her visiting students. Together we worked out a fictional case which gives them a glimpse of our daily activities.


We would like to thank Boulajhaf Yasmina, Druyts Berdien, Géhot Antoine and Ophoff Alexander for their input and we wish these promising students a prosperous future!

We're here for you

Bulvano nv
Blarenberglaan 6 - 2800 Mechelen
T +32 15 28 22 82 / F +32 15 28 22 81
